Meet Dakota

Dakota was born and raised in Missouri’s Sixth District.  He is the son of a third generation farmer and his mother is a Navy Veteran.  He knows what hard work is and how much goes into feeding the families of America.  

Dakota has a strong determination and a great work ethic that makes him stand out.  He is passionate about America and helping rebuild the great country that we all live in.  Dakota believes in strong American values.  He also believes in the American Dream;  Anyone, no matter their Race, Creed, Religion or Sex can do or be anything they want to be.  As long as you work hard, set goals and are determined to achieve them.  The world is yours.  That’s the America Dakota loves.


A Strong History

Dakota comes from humble beginnings.  He comes from a family living paycheck to paycheck.  As a young boy he watched his father strive to do better and slowly move up the economic ladder.  He was also taught by his mother the value of a dollar and how to get the most out of it.  Growing up he was able to see how hard work and determination turns a 2 bedroom house into a 60+ acre 5 bedroom farm with almost 100 head of livestock.  When Dakota turned 18 he started working for the City of Kirksville making minimum wage.  At the time it was $7.35 an hour.  He worked long hours in the hot sun, mowing parks and maintaining the recreational areas of Kirksville.  He knew that wasn’t the job for him so he eventually left to work at Kraft, the local factory, making almost double the wages.  He enjoyed the repetitive work in the cold environment.  But it still wasn’t what he wanted.  After about a year of saving money, Dakota decided to go back to college and get a degree.  A few weeks in and he realized that wasn’t the path he was supposed to be on so he decided to pursue his career in Software Development without a degree.  He applied for several jobs and finally went through a 12 week coding boot camp that offered a certification in .Net, which he had taught himself at the age of 12.  After being promoted three times in the first two months Dakota wanted more, so he created a LinkedIn and made himself available to job recruiters.  Almost immediately he was offered a position working with the Defense Sector on Robotic Process Automation and A.I Development.  Soon his career started to soar, when his contract with the Defense Sector became due Dakota was offered a position at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis working in the Treasury Division.  While working with the Federal Reserve, Dakota started his own company (Shultz Studios) to build Custom Software, A.I Automation and Websites in his free time.  Still there was something missing.  Watching the country fall apart around him and our freedoms being striped away from us.  Dakota knew something had to change.  He refuses to let America suffer any longer.  We have to stand up and fight.  That’s why he decided to run for US Congress.  He, like so many others, is tired of watching the country he loves being ruined by the corruption in Washington.  Dakota came from humble beginnings and has worked hard to succeed no matter what the circumstance.  To him, the American Dream is alive and well and that’s the America Dakota loves.

  • Stands for Farmers, Small Business Owners and Veterans.
  • Has learned that hard work does pay off.
  • Comes from a modest background.
  • Respects those who serve.
  • Knows the value of family.
  • Loves America.

“Give me Liberty or Give me Death.” – Patrick Henry


Here is all those who have shown their support for Dakota and his Campaign for office.  You can support Dakota and Endorse him too!

Elected Leaders

  • Rodney Cooper – Schuyler Co. Commissioner
  • Mark Thompson – Adair Co. Commissioner

Community Leaders

  • Bob Baker – Assistant Pastor
  • Danielle and Joe Rice – Business Owners

Gold Tier Businesses


Silver Tier Businesses

Bronze Tier Businesses

Ready To Support Dakota?

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